Here is another segment of Joey's photography posts.
Do you have a lens that you absolutely love? My first lens purchase was my Nikon 50mm f/1.8 (around $100). I LOVED it! The wide aperture (f-stop around f/1.8-f/4) helped me achieve the shallow depth of field (blurry background/foreground) I loved when looking at professional photos. I love taking photos with a shallow depth of field because it keeps in focus the most important part of the photo & blurs out all the "junk." Confused?! When I first started taking photos with my dSLR, I was totally confused by all the vocabulary! Honestly, I still get confused at times!
Here is a 10 minute video that I found helpful in explaining how depth of field and aperture relate to one another:
Remember, aperture is just ONE way to control the depth of field in photos. Here is a chart I created to further explain how aperture and depth of field relate:
I will blog more about understanding depth of field in 2 weeks!
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